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" If you are explaining, you are losing."
....Deborah George, frequently
Marketing Program

I am best known for putting managers on the map. As your independent marketer, I create and execute a comprehensive targeted marketing plan for your firm and your separate account strategies.


Throughout my career, I have concentrated on establishing mutual respect and confidence with sophisticated institutional Clients and their Managers of Managers, Consultants and other Advisors – important and powerful allies for a new or undiscovered firm.


​My program effectively makes me an extension of your staff, so you can dedicate your time and focus on managing the portfolios. The marketing program includes: 

  • Analysis of your strategies

  • Robust presentation design

  • Coach presenters

  • Arrange meetings and calls  with prospective Clients, Managers of Managers, Consultants and Advisors

  • Represent the firm at conferences

  • Supervise all aspects of database entries

  • Compose initial RFP/RFI responses


When  clients sign on, I maintain responsibility for ongoing client  service and managing the relationships.


Presentation Design

A firm has only one chance to capture a client’s, consultant’s or advisor’s attention with an effective introduction and a presentation that resonates. To be effective, you must be remembered, and people remember stories better than statements. Messaging is critical to your firm's success.


The best stories contain these attributes*:

  • Simplicity

  • Surprise

  • Significance


​I create your unique story. This includes:

  • Analyze the performance using your software

  • Define your ‘edge’—the firm’s unique strength

  • Frame your story simply with an element of surprise or interest

  • Convey the significance of the edge

  • Design graphics, charts and tables to illustrate strengths


Then I “polish" your presenters:

  • Coach your team in both individual and team presentations

  • Indentify strengths and focus on differentiators

  • Tackle objections and ‘drills’ responses to difficult questions



* Captivology, The Science of Capturing People’s Attention, by Ben Parr

Strategy Launches

Ready to  launch a new strategy? The mark of GEMS' work is a  pitchbook and  presentation that demonstrates:


The " 3 Cs " of Marketing:

  • Clear

  • Concise

  • Compelling


and has all of the characteristics described in the section on

presentation design.


We work with  developed managers and emerging managers, and we can work WITH your in-house or third party marketer to sharpen the messaging around new strategies.


 A new strategy  will be accepted  more quickly if it is seen as a natural extension of your existing  capabilities.


A strategy launch includes:

  • Analyze the performance using your software

  • Relate the new strategy to your existing offerings

  • Design the presentation

  • Target the market

  • Coach the presenters




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